Sohan halwa

5 Reasons Why Sohan Halwa is Known as the Best Cultural Food


Sohan Halwa, a much loved cultural food from Multan in Pakistan. It has been ranked as one of the best cultural foods in Asia, symbolizing tradition and culinary skills. With ingredients like ghee, sugar and flour; it has a different taste and texture as compared to other pastes. Every bite will feel like you are taking a walk through the streets of this Pakistani city which is always permeated with spices’ aroma and full of hospitality.

Sohan Halwa

This article will explore several aspects: how it was created initially, its cultural significance in Pakistan as well as a recipe for making it. Join us at best cultural food for dive into the cultural food journey.


Several years ago Sohan Halwa came from Multan,Pakistan which people believe that skilled cook made during the times they had kings. At first it was just for the rich who could afford but later everyone wanted to have it.

Over the years Sohan Halwa gained great popularity all over Pakistan because of its delicious taste. This became part of special occasions or family get together s .The people from Multan still make them now in the same way their ancestors used to do so that they can be sweeter than ever before.

Today, not only is Sohan Halwa famous within Multan but also Asia at large. It is an emblem of their culture and heritage. Walking around town, you would find vendors trading in this halva at bazaars while you enjoy its sweet smell hanging around you wherever you go.It’s more than just dessert; rather a collectiveness feeling that reaches deep into history.

Cultural Significance

Sohan Halwa also known as an exceptional Pakistani traditional cuisine represents one of the best cultural foods among many others available there It’s not just food; instead serves as an embodiment of heritage amongst Pakistanis.Pakistani families always share meals together especially when celebrating holidays such as Eid.Kinships bonds are further tightened by sharing food between loved ones during festive seasons.

Also, Sohan Halwa portrays the cultural heritage that is rich in Multan, Pakistan. This town has a lot of history, great art and tasty meals; of which Sohan Halwa is an example. When people think about Multan one of the things that come to their minds is this sweet dish.

Furthermore, Sohan Halwa is an example of the culinary expertise handed down over many generations. Families in Multan take pride in making it using traditional methods, preserving their cultural identity and ensuring its authenticity.

Moreover, it’s not just within Pakistan that people enjoy eating it but even outside PTV spotlight on Pakistani cooking has meant that it has become a symbol of the country. In fact those who stay there always use it as a gesture showing hospitality which signifies how Pakistani culture is kind and generous.

Recipe for Sohan Halwa


  • Ghee (clarified butter) – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 1 cup
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Cornflour – 1 cup
  • Milk – 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Almonds (chopped) – 1/4 cup
  • Pistachios (chopped) – 1/4 cup
  • Saffron strands (optional) – a pinch

Sohan Halwa


Prepare Ingredients:

  • Break the almonds and pistachios into smaller parts.
  • If you are using it, dissolve saffron threads in warm milk.

Prepare the Sugar Syrup:

  • In a vessel, mix the sugar together with water.
  • Put this saucepan on top of moderate fire and keep stirring till all the sugar dissolves.
  • Let it simmer for few minutes until you have a slightly thick syrup consistency.
  • Remove from heat after completion and leave aside for sometime.

Cook the Halwa:

  • Heat ghee in another heavy-bottomed pan or kadhai over medium-low heat.
  • As soon as ghee is hot, add cornflour to it.
  • Keep stirring continuously so that there are no lumps and cook till the cornflour turns light golden brown and releases nutty aroma. It takes around 10-15 minutes for this process to complete.
  • While still stirring continually to avoid formation of lumps, slowly pour the prepared sugar syrup into roasted cornflour mixture
  • Also stir in milk then continue cooking at low flame

Add Flavorings:

  • Mix cardamom powder well with other ingredients
  • For Saffron – Put combined saffron-infused milk into mixture. Stir perfectly until blended nicely like that will be enough now!

Final Touch:

  • Stir constantly throughout until it thickens up and starts leaving sides of pan; this should take about fifteen to twenty minutes. 
  • When this mixture becomes halwa-like and begins to leave pan’s sides throw in chopped almond plus pistachio nuts but retain some for garnishing purposes
  • Mix well before proceeding with another 2-minute cooking period


  • Take Sohan Halwa out of serving dish after preparing it inside one of such dishes
  • Garnish by using remaining chopped almonds as well as pistachios on top of that plate which is going to hold your Sohan Halwa when completed

This can either be served warm or at room temperature also. Enjoy its taste as we present it as a delicious Sohan Halwa dessert or snack.


Sohan Halwa

Sohan Halwa is far from just a dessert, it is a trove of treasures that represent Pakistani heritage. Originating from the colorful city of Multan, this confectionery has withstood the test of time to be among the best cultural foods across Asia. Over centuries, Sohan Halwa has changed from being a delicacy fit for royalty into an everyone’s delight. This popularity shows how much respect we have towards our culture and its importance in Pakistani homes where it signifies feeling good about each other.

The recipe for Sohan Halwa goes beyond a mere list of ingredients but imbibes love and tenderness handed down through generations. It carries traditions as every bite takes you back to traditional richness and flavors characterizing Pakistani cuisine at its best. 


What is Sohan Halwa?
Sohan halwa comes as a sweet tooth dessert whose origin can be traced back to Multan Pakistan that involves usage of ghee , sugar and flour as some of the key ingredients.

Why is Sohan Halwa considered a cultural food?
Sohan halwa stands out amongst the best cultural foods in Asia because they carry long-standing traditions which have been passed down through generations who had discovered them by accident or on purpose.

What makes Sohan Halwa special?
The uniqueness about sohan halwa results from its texture and taste along with its significance in terms of both cultural Pakistani cuisine and heritage.

How is Sohan Halwa made?
To prepare sohan halwa, cook milk mixed with ghee eggs sugar flour till it becomes thick and golden brown then sprinkle and garnish with chopped almonds, pistachio nuts and cardamom powder.

Can Sohan Halwa be enjoyed outside of Pakistan?
Yes, Sohan Halwa has gained recognition internationally and is enjoyed by people worldwide as a delicious symbol of Pakistani hospitality and cuisine.

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